Wednesday, July 9, 2008

07/09/08- Haiku #20

I am a fountain
Ideas flow from Spirit
Through my open mind

rambling reclaiming 07/03/08 2:25pm

I'm juicy and ripe, quite succulent really.
I'm round and I'm soft as I sway across the room.
A drop of passion oil I place on my hot ivory covering.
Salt and pepper on my head.
Bare feet on the floor.
I laugh deep from my belly

I hate to end a good book 07/03/08

I hate to come to the end of a good book. Like a child at bed time, afraid of missing out, I dilly-dally reading just a snippet here and there trying to make it last. Afraid of the sadness that comes with the loss of an old friend. Not sure who I will miss more the story or the characters.

Lilith 07/03/08-2:05pm


El eye
El eye
Tea H

silly spine poem 07/03/08-2:05pm


"THEY" are not my friend! 07/03/08-2pm

What if... you spent your whole life doing everything "THEY" expected.
Then to celebrate you threw a party, and "THEY" never came.
Would you through in the towel?
Would you give up on all their silliness?

#19 07/03/08- 1:50pm

I'm full to the brim
Stuffed feelings choked way down deep
I waddle away

07/03/08 (1:45pm) nonsense of me

Ellison Lilith James
So she went, and so she came.
Spinning, swirling dancing wild.
Ellison Lilith James

Summer Storm


Keep an eye on that thunder.
Press an ear to the flash.
Taste the rumble of rainfall.

(the rhythm in the next two lines doesn't match, but I am using them to hold the thought until I figure out how to fix it.)

Smell the echo of sweet winds.
Drenched in the heat of (electricity)

#18 07/03/08-07:40am

I'm searching your soul
You, expansive spirit pool
We, tremble with love



I'm questioning all
Life, giant exploration
How can I learn all?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Progressive Sylabic Haiku 07/03/08 first draft

This is my first experiment with creating my own form. I used a progressive increase of syllables in each haiku, starting with 1/3/1 and going up to 8/10/8. I found the more syllables I used the more difficult the haiku. These are not done, but I'm happy with the first attempt.

1/3/1- I'm
Missing cat

2/4/2- I am
Endless searching

3/5/3- Who knows life?
Will my soul be filled?
I'm hope full

4/6/4- Inquisitive
Peering into Spirit
Breathtaking view

5/7/5- I'm weary, needing
A good night's rest eludes me
When will running stop?

6/8/6- I am an endless soul
Confined in my humanity
Separated at birth

7/9/7- I'm blurry-eyed, sleep walking
Repetitive avoidance of dreams
Slumber, please carry me home

8/10/8- I'm numb, having left my body
Shocked, unable to feel each sensation
How do I find restitution?



No sustenance here
I swallow more hollowness
Vessel, how to fill?

Haiku #15


I'm a veneered shell
Not enough connection here
Feelings, deep whirlpool

Haiku #14


I'm contained, sadly
Foot step out in adventure!
Freedom lurking, where?

Friday, June 27, 2008

06/26/08 #14 Unsocialized

I'm a wild deer girl
Bounding through suburban streets
Why do you take aim?

Unsocialized=1) To unravel the life long binding up of ones wild nature by societies "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts". 2) To find ones own inner truth, without regard to the outside world.

I cast away the ridged rod of propriety thrust at me for years, a lifetime really. Good girl warnings and fingers wagging. A supervised life, monitoring my every thought and deed. How I should think and speak. How I should look and dress.Who I should see. Where I should work and live. "Honey, keep your (freshly shaved) knees together." It's OK to leave that stick up your ass if you want. I'll even help sand down the splintered edges and grease it up. But, my heart beats with yearning to pluck that rod out, cast it deep into the fertile earth, garnish it with ribbons of joy and laughter, and dance a naked Maypole dance under the bright light of the harvest moon. I yearn to chase butterflies barefoot through my garden, dirt squishing between my toes. I long for a warm summer afternoon, sitting on the deck with my girlfriends, drinking margaritas and laughing till we pee our pants. I'm sorry if this disturbs you, but I have to set myself free. I choose a juicy life over a death-like suppression. I need to follow my wild nature and become unsocialized.

06/26/08 Lucky number 13

I'm a circus girl
Prompting a big life of fun
Adventure my game

"Let's run away and join the circus" she says. When I hear her I know I'm buried deep. This wild little girl, that loves adventure, comes to dig me out of my comfy old rut. She makes such a clatter, to wake me up when I'm sleep walking through life. Then she disappears, slipping back through the veil of consciousness. I wish she would stay. How fun would life be if she made the decisions?

06/26/08 workday

The clock chirps bird calls
Each hour endlessly slow
No need to rush home

06/26/08 even dozen

I'm purr depleated
The silence quite deafening
Cream lapping no more

Eleven of Haiku 06/26/08

I'm lost without cats
No place to pour out my love
No purring filled heart

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Great Loss of 06/23/08

Sacred death given
A soul promise kept with love
Silence fills my home

After 4 years of cancer, Peanut's body is in peace. I hope her soul is running free with, her partner, Tin-tin (who died last fall).
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Haiku number ten- death comes close

I'm fear gripping heart
Unbearable emptiness
How will I survive?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Haiku nine

06/14/08 6:30pm

I'm swirling, spinning
Caught in Spirits Summer breath
Blow me inside out

Haiku Eight

06/14/08 6:27pm

I am bursting Spring
Change is in the air, swirling
Opening, blooming

lucky seven

06/14/08 6:25pm

I am a vessel
Life full and over flowing
Spirit gifts plenty

Monday, May 19, 2008

Haiku # 6


I'm energy low.
Physical movement eludes.
Dream-time beckons me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cinco de haiku


I'm cracking open.
Again and again torn wide.
Soft heart leaking love.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

In response to "Who are you?"


I'm so sad I just finished reading Foolsgold. I wanted it to last forever. It cracks me open. As I closed the book , I sighed and this came. I'm not sure it's finished, but I don't know what to do with it yet.

I miss the lapping of the sea on the shore. Licking at my wounds. Those places torn raw as my wild nature strains toward freedom. To fly free. To dance. To roar. To twirl under the heat of a tangerine sun. Free to flit about on the rush of moonlight kisses. Expanding, blending with the surge of life in every rock, flower and tree. Limitless. No boundaries. No poky sharp edges of good-girl containment. Free to breath you in, supported by the sigh. AHHHH, I settle in to the pulse. Earth rhythm beats my heart, takes my next breath, steps my foot forward toward myself. I loose the lie of "I" flowing with the current of "we", returned to the lapping of the sea on the shore.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Haiku Four


I thought tomorrow was to be the day I'd give death to my last cat, who has cancer. This haiku came bubbling up through the tears. I found GREAT comfort from chapter 11 in Susan G. Wooldridge's book Foolsgold. She poetically speaks of her experience with her Father's death.

I'm broken hearted.
Grief filled assistance is near.
Fairwell sweet kitty.

The trip to the vet turned out to be minor surgery instead of death. The vet stated "She is still way to happy being with you, her body is still holding up and she is not in pain" Yippee, more snuggles and purrrr time.

Haiku Three

I'm head strong, heart soft.
My emotions on my sleeve.
Are there secrets here?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Haiku number two

This is the second haiku with paper doll to follow.

I'm a river swift.
My emotions flowing strong.
Wash away the past.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Haiku Numero Uno

I'm a great big blob.
Life's sorrows stuffed deep inside.
Carbohydrate friends.

Below is the first paper doll and haiku in response to the exploration of who I am.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

The begining of this quest.

I recently was blessed with the opportunity to go to Artfest (500 wild mixed media artists immersed in 3 days of classes and activities at Fort Worden in Port Townsend Wa). My favorite (all time) class was "Crazy Love Poems" with author, poet, and word diva Susan G. Wooldridge. She created a safe sacred space for me to change my relationship to writing (esp. poetry). Quickly I felt raw, vulnerable and ALIVE. My emotions poured out of my eyes, heart, and soul dripping onto the paper in words that expressed ME. As I chatted with Susan at the end she stopped, looked at me and posed a simple question "Who the hell are you?" That was the end for me. It cracked me open and I burst into tears. The intensity of my response along with my inability to answer it told me this was a question I needed to pursue. My plan for this blog is to spend regular time exploring this deeply using paper dolls and haiku (and or other writings) to excavate the answer. A door has opened, and I have passed through....never to be the same. Feel free to return to witness my progress and leave posts. Thanks Ellison