Saturday, May 17, 2008

In response to "Who are you?"


I'm so sad I just finished reading Foolsgold. I wanted it to last forever. It cracks me open. As I closed the book , I sighed and this came. I'm not sure it's finished, but I don't know what to do with it yet.

I miss the lapping of the sea on the shore. Licking at my wounds. Those places torn raw as my wild nature strains toward freedom. To fly free. To dance. To roar. To twirl under the heat of a tangerine sun. Free to flit about on the rush of moonlight kisses. Expanding, blending with the surge of life in every rock, flower and tree. Limitless. No boundaries. No poky sharp edges of good-girl containment. Free to breath you in, supported by the sigh. AHHHH, I settle in to the pulse. Earth rhythm beats my heart, takes my next breath, steps my foot forward toward myself. I loose the lie of "I" flowing with the current of "we", returned to the lapping of the sea on the shore.

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