Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Progressive Sylabic Haiku 07/03/08 first draft

This is my first experiment with creating my own form. I used a progressive increase of syllables in each haiku, starting with 1/3/1 and going up to 8/10/8. I found the more syllables I used the more difficult the haiku. These are not done, but I'm happy with the first attempt.

1/3/1- I'm
Missing cat

2/4/2- I am
Endless searching

3/5/3- Who knows life?
Will my soul be filled?
I'm hope full

4/6/4- Inquisitive
Peering into Spirit
Breathtaking view

5/7/5- I'm weary, needing
A good night's rest eludes me
When will running stop?

6/8/6- I am an endless soul
Confined in my humanity
Separated at birth

7/9/7- I'm blurry-eyed, sleep walking
Repetitive avoidance of dreams
Slumber, please carry me home

8/10/8- I'm numb, having left my body
Shocked, unable to feel each sensation
How do I find restitution?

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